Flanders Metals Valley takes an exciting new leap forward by appointing a full-time coordinator
After having celebrated its first anniversary on the 25th of May 2022, Flanders Metals Valley (FMV) takes the next big step forward. FMV’s activities have now grown to such an extent that a full-time coordinator is needed. In order to support this growth, Mr. Kristof Nelis has been appointed on 08/08/2022 as the new coordinator of Flanders Metals Valley. The current coordinators, Bart Blanpain and Mathias Chintinne will remain active in FMV as members of the start-up team. More...
Flanders Metals Valley geeft metaalsector nieuw gezicht
Eind maart verenigden meer dan dertig Vlaamse metaalverwerkende bedrijven zich in Flanders Metals Valley (FMV). Samen willen ze uitgroeien tot een katalysator voor een klimaatneutrale en circulaire metaalsector. More...
ArcelorMittal signs letter of intent …
ArcelorMittal signs letter of intent with the governments of Belgium and Flanders, supporting €1.1 billion investment in decarbonisation technologies at its flagship Gent plant More...
Beton maken uit afval? Deze kinderen mogen het vandaag zelf uitproberen aan de KU Leuven
Medewerkers van het Departement Materiaalkunde van de KU Leuven tonen aan leerlingen van het Heilig Hartinstituut uit Heverlee en het Technisch Atheneum uit Keerbergen hoe je van afval beton kan maken. De leerlingen mogen ook zelf de handen uit de mouwen steken. More...
Aperam’s Stainless Europe Operations earn Responsible Steel certification
Congratulations to Aperam. Happy to collaborate and achieve full metal circularity and climate-neutrality with our strong partners at Flanders Metals Valley. More...
Renewi pompt 60 miljoen euro in recyclagefabrieken
Great step towards less waste, more recycling and reuse potential. Many materials will find their way to the #FlandersMetalsValley! More...
Aurubis introduces more efficient way of recycling
Aurubis is investing 27 M€ in its Beerse site located in the Flanders Metals Valley, Belgium. The goal is to further increase the recycling efficiency and improve the recovery of various metals. More...