Flanders Metals Valley Member

Belgoprocess was founded in 1984 as a limited liability company based in Dessel, Belgium. In 1986 Belgoprocess was incorporated as a subsidiary of NIRAS, the National Institute for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials, responsible for the management of radioactive waste generated in Belgium.
Commissioned by NIRAS, Belgoprocess is responsible for the safe processing of radioactive waste produced in Belgium, which cannot be handled by the producer, and for storage of this waste, pending disposal. Foreign waste can also be processed in our installations and is returned to the country of origin. In addition, Belgoprocess is in charge of decommissioning the shutdown nuclear facilities on site.
Belgoprocess has been using this operational expertise to offer waste management and decommissioning services to national and international clients on a commercial basis. These activities range from treating foreign waste in our installations, to decommissioning off-site obsolete nuclear facilities, to implementing plasma and pyrolysis thermal technology.