FMV Industry Night VUB
- Tuesday 14 May 2024 from 17h30 to 20h30
VUB Campus - Pleinlaan 2 - 1050 Brussel
Flanders Metals Valley organizes its first ‘Industry Night’ on the VUB campus this year in the frame of the Marie Curie Doctoral Network week. College students studying at various departments of VUB Brussels are invited to meet up with industry experts, discover what FMV is all about and learn from each other. Students and young-potentials are key to making this transition into a circular and carbon-neutral world happen. They are therefore invited to attend this event and get a deep dive into the magnificent world of metals.
Several metals industry mentors or young potentials will be presenting their vision at the Industry Night with a short pitch. Students can explore the topics and projects offered, have a chat, find their way into the metals space and perhaps even land their first job since an HR responsible is present of each industry partner.
This years featured speakers will be announced a few weeks before the event.
*Industry Night is a FMV members-only event for Flanders Metals Valley members and VUB college students.