The Sampling – Sorting – Characterization seminar at Veolia

On the 10th of November, Flanders Metals Valley organized the “Sorting/Sampling/Characterization” seminar with a guided visit through the Veolia Belgium & Luxembourg installations in Ghent.
Over 60 people participated in this event and got to know each other better during the company visit and an extensive, splendidly catered, networking moment with tasty snacks and drinks.
Flanders Metals Valley was happy to be able to offer 3 specialized pitches given by experts in the field.
More specifically …
- Karen de Boeck of Veolia Belgium with a “Metal recovery from household waste” presentation
- Hilde Goovaerts of Campine & Robert Baudinet of the ULiège with their combined “PickIt sensor-based sorting of plastics enables critical raw material recycling” pitch
- Kris Broos of VITO with an interesting view on the “I see, I see, what you don’t see… Waste Characterisation 2.0” topic.
These topics fuelled very interesting discussions between all participants.
Details of this event can be found on the Flanders Metals Valley LI page via